Monday 19 February 2018

Hidden “Color Tints” setting for better night vision in iPhone

Every time Apple launches a new version of iOS, eyes are ‘stuck in awe’ on the new and exciting features that come with the new versions. 

Changes in the layouts of the iPhone screens (like merging of the notification center and control center, remember?) and addition of the new features as well as enhancements in the old features surely are meant to raise your adrenaline levels and make you addicted to your iPhone all the more than ever before.

Efficacious Night vision with Color Tints in iOS 11:Efficacious Night vision with Color Tints in iOS 11:
The mind blowing features pave way for some new apps by every iPhone app development company and how to enhance the user-experience of the cult fans of this highly demanded smartphone. iOS 10 has brought with it some of the most useful features you can use instantly with just a click.

There are no second thoughts about the fact that iPhone application development is always influenced by the new features launched in the new versions of iOS. Latest version iOS 10 as well as iOS 11 came up with similar Night Vision Features.

But why it is still unknown to most of the iPhone users?
Unfortunately, they remained more or less hidden from the iPhone users and little does anyone knows how iOS came up with some awesome features to aid the iPhone users who suffer from night vision challenges! 

Can we expect this kind of advanced feature from someone else than the industry giant, Apple Inc? 


Apple Inc. has always come up with the most unexpected features to the core. 

The Color Tints or Color Filters we are going to talk about here remains buried deep in the Settings app. If you just dive deeper into the Settings app of your iPhone, you will be surprised to know that you can actually invert the colors of your complete iPhone or iPad screen, making it all the more cool and exciting. 

Why should you use this?
It will help make your eyes naturally adjust to the screen in complete darkness and reduce the strain on your eyes.

Use the Color Filters and Color Tints from Settings > General > Accessibility > Display Accommodations and select Color Filters in your iPod or iPad or iPhone:

Here is the step-by-step tutorial on how to use this feature which is completely different from the Night Shift mode and an amazing aid for people with night vision challenges or color blindness.

What does Color Filters actually do? 
The display of your iPhone is completely changed with a different look on everything on your screen whether these are pics or movies. You can use it when needed whenever you seem to have problems with your night vision. These settings are to be turned on at night, it’s recommended.

There are 4 pre-set filters you can actually use according to your type of vision disability you may have.

  • Grayscale
  • Red/Green (Suitable for Protanopia)
  • Green/Red (Suitable for Deuteranopia)
  • Blue/Yellow (Suitable for Tritanopia)
As you can see from the pictures above, there are 3 types of color tints you can give to your display screen according to your need. Swipe through the left or right to see the preview of rainbow of colors starting with red, yellow, green, blue, purple, to brown.

Not only this, you can adjust the color intensity of color tint, once you have chosen the hue from the color filters from the ‘Adjust color intensity’ and ‘Adjust Color Tint’.


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